Teppanyaki Logo Design Ideas
Teppanyaki is a beloved dish in Japan and other parts of Asia.
Its popularity is due to the fact that meat and vegetables can be cooked very quickly and deliciously by cooking them directly on the teppan.
Stylish and cool logos are required for stores and restaurants that serve such teppanyaki dishes.
We would like to introduce some examples of teppanyaki logo designs we have created.
Please take a look at them for reference.
1:Teppan-yaki restaurant Genrokuen Logo Design
This logo design for a teppanyaki restaurant is composed horizontally.
The seal stamp, family crest design, and brush script are laid out in a well-balanced manner so that the overall design fits well.
2:Teppan-yaki restaurant Shinobi Logo Design
Unique logo design for an alphabetical teppanyaki restaurant with a Japanese feel.
The use of gradation gives the logo a light and vigorous feel.
3:Teppan-yaki restaurant REN Logo Design
We created a logo for a charcoal-grilled barbecue restaurant featuring the single character “REN”.
The main character is a brush stroke of “蓮” and the alphabet “REN” are combined in a well-balanced manner.
The logo is based on a circle, and the aspect ratio has been made as equal as possible to create an easy-to-use logo design.
4:Teppan-yaki restaurant TEPPAN TOKYO Logo Design
Design with brush letters of the alphabet.
The appeal of the brushstroke alphabet is that it is an alphabet with a sense of harmony.
The design is bold, but without sacrificing visibility.
Teppan-yaki Brush Letter Logo Signboard Design Production Request
The “TEPPAN” is placed in a small size in the upper right corner, balancing the main “TOKYO” to achieve overall cohesion.
The design is simple and unadorned, with no decoration other than the letters.
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Teppanyaki logo design summary
We were able to create a logo design that reflected the client’s requirements and gave the restaurant a Japanese restaurant feel.
As you can see, a logo design is an important tool to impress your restaurant.
A carefully designed logo that takes into account your restaurant’s image and business will make your restaurant even better.
About Us
SANTEN Design is a company specializing in the production of brush lettering logos.
We specialize in the creation of flexible brush lettering logos to suit a variety of uses and requests.
We will be happy to provide you with quotations, consultations on various types of production,
and of course, detailed information on our achievements.
Please feel free to contact us for a quotation.