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 Thinking of a Name for a Sushi Restaurant The proud traditional cuisine of Japan, “sushi 寿司.” For us Japanese, sushi represents more than just a meal. Its intricate flavors, the craftsmanship, and its deep history are reasons why it’s loved globally. For those aspiring to open a sushi restaurant, choosing a name is a pivotal
 Names of Japanese Vegetables Japan’s four seasons, along with their ever-changing landscapes, have brought forth a variety of vegetables. The warm climate and fertile soil of this land serve as a source for producing diverse vegetables. Vegetables nurtured in Japan’s unique environment have added color to our dining tables and have become foundational to various
 “The Names of Japanese Angels” In the Christian world, there exists the concept of “angels”. They are known as the messengers of God, watching over us humans. On the other hand, in Japan, there’s a belief in the “Eight Million Gods (八百万の神 Yaorozunokami)”, where countless deities are believed to exist around us, each governing various


SANTEN Japanese Calligraphy Design

101, Kanzuke, Ozo-cho, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken JAPAN 651-1523

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+81-78-219-9773 From overseas )