The Origin of Heaven in Kanji Symbol
The origin of heaven was also the attachment of the human head to the appearance of the human body viewed from the front.
The highest part of the human body is the head, but the sky, which is higher than the head, was also given the meaning of sky-like to heaven, meaning “a place as high as the head.
Stroke order of the Kanji symbol for Heaven
The first horizontal stroke of “Ten 天” should be slightly longer than the second.
The third and fourth strokes should be written in the same way as “Dai” (大).
To write neatly, it is better to write on the upper right corner of the page only if you feel like it.
If you follow that point, you can write neatly.
Heaven in Kanji written with a Japanese brush
Summary of Heaven in Kanji
The word “heaven” is often used in religion.
In China, the word “heaven” refers to the supreme deity (最高神 Saikoshin ).
In Japan, it is also used to refer to “天子様 Tenshi-Sama,” or the emperor, who rules the country in place of the heavens.
In European Christianity, heaven is sometimes represented by an angel as a messenger of God.
And if you check old literature and mythology, you will often find it as the place where the Supreme Being dwells.
Thus, the word “heaven” does not just mean physically high, like the sky, but is also an indispensable character for religion.
Other Kanji Introduction
Dragon in Japanese Kanji Symbol
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