The Origin of Life in Kanji Symbol
The kanji “life 命” has the strong impression of being used to mean “life,” but in Japanese it also means “words of wisdom” or “rule.
The kanji for “life” consists of two characters, “口” and “令. The upper part of the character for “令” is said to be a symbol of a crown, while the lower part is said to be a symbol of a person kneeling down.
The character for “令” is said to represent a person kneeling down to listen to the will of the gods, from which it derives the meaning of “Words of Wisdom.
Stroke order of the Kanji symbol for Life
The first and second strokes should be balanced so that they are the same length. The second stroke should be written from slightly lower than the first stroke.
The “叩” should be written so that the right side is slightly larger than the left side to prevent it from being too far away.
Life in Kanji written with a Japanese brush
Summary of Life in Kanji
It is likely that ancient people sensed the “Words of Wisdom” from “God” at the beginning and end of “life,” which is beyond human control.
We should cherish each and every day of our lives with a renewed sense that life is a gift from the heavens.
Other Kanji Introduction
Dragon in Japanese Kanji Symbol
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