The Origin of Water in Kanji Characters
The Kanji symbol for water depicts the appearance of the flow of water.
There is a large stream in the middle and smaller streams on either side.
Hiragana Reading (Onyomi): Sui
Hiragana Reading (Kunyomi): Mizu
Stroke order of the Kanji symbol for Water
The character for “water” should be written so that the vertical stroke of the first character is centered.
The second stroke should be slightly wider than the center stroke, and the third and fourth strokes should be slightly closer to the center stroke.
Water in Kanji written with a Japanese brush
Four-Character Kanji Phrases Containing ‘水’ (Water)
Hiragana Reading: さんしすいめい
Meaning: Describes the beauty of nature, where mountains look purple under sunlight and rivers appear clear and pristine.
◆行雲流水 (Kouunryuusui)
Hiragana Reading: こううんりゅうすい
Meaning: Indicates the lack of a fixed form and naturally changing state of things. Living freely and calmly, not being attached to worldly affairs.
◆明鏡止水 (Meikyoushisui)
Hiragana Reading: めいきょうしすい
Meaning: Represents a calm and clear state of mind, without any distracting thoughts.
◆鏡花水月 (Kyoukasuigetsu)
Hiragana Reading: きょうかすいげつ
Meaning: Describes something that can be seen but not touched, representing the ephemeral nature of things.
◆上善若水 (Jouzenjakusui)
Hiragana Reading: じょうぜんじゃくすい
Meaning: Suggests that the ideal way of life is to be like water, which nourishes without trying.
◆松風水月 (Shoufusuigetsu)
Hiragana Reading: しょうふうすいげつ
Meaning: Refers to the mindset of appreciating nature with a clear and calm heart. Also, describes someone with a refreshing and noble character.
◆水滴石穿 (suitekisekisen)
Hiragana Reading: すいてきせきせん
Meaning: Signifies that even if something seems impossible, with continuous effort and perseverance, you can achieve your goals.
Summary of Water in Kanji
The kanji “water” is a difficult kanji to balance, but when balanced, it is a very beautiful, expressive, and attractive kanji.
The key is to be conscious of the flow of water and to write it in a connected manner.
Other Kanji Introduction
Kanji Symbol for God
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